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Tips for Success!

The following tips can be helpful to get the most out of your music lessons...

Practice & Lesson Preparation Tips

Practice is essential for knowledge and skill retention and improvement. Here are some helpful hints for making sure practice gets done:

Give practice time the same priority as homework.

Schedule practice at a regular time every day.

When practicing, avoid distractions such as television, pets, visitors, phones, or interruptions for chores, dinner,  etc.

Each student is provided an assignment notebook. It serves as a guide to weekly practicing and learning. Read and follow any and all notes written in your music or assignment books.

If there are any questions about the assignments, please contact the teacher. Students are expected to practice five or more days each week on a regular basis.

Usually, a specific “time requirement” to practicing is not listed on the practice instructions. With a time requirement many students watch the clock more than their music. Instead, a specific number of repetitions may be indicated in my practice instructions. Ultimately, it will depend on the student and what practice strategy is determined to work best for them.

Wondering what practice  commitments might be? For optimal progress, a beginner’s practice is usually completed within 15 minutes and will soon progress to 30 minutes. Intermediate students should plan to practice 30 – 45 minutes each day. Late intermediate should expect to practice at least 1 hour per day, and advanced students should expect to practice 1 to 3 hours per day. Students who cannot commit to this amount of practice will have their curriculum/practice requirements adjusted to the amount of time they have available, but note that their progress will move at a slower pace.

The most important days to practice are the same day as your lesson (after you get home) and the day after your lesson. These are the days that new concepts are reinforced and cemented.

If a student hasn’t had time to practice that week or has been out of town, we can still have a lesson! As a matter of fact, a lesson is even more important so we can review and not forget what has just been learned the week before.


Please provide time in your child’s week for practice. For the majority of students, it is normal that need a reminder. It is often helpful to have a scheduled time each day to practice so that it become part of your daily routine. 
Please provide your student will a well-maintained instrument. 
Piano students should have a piano with all keys functioning and damper pedal functioning. Pianos should be regularly tuned, at least once per year. 
Flute students should have a flute with all keys functioning properly. Any adjustments to keys should be made by a repair professional immediately. 
Students assignments will be recorded in a notebook that must be brought to each lesson. Parents should check the notebook each week to ensure that all assignments have been done.  
Show an interest in what your child doing. Listen to them play on a regular basis and give encouraging feedback (please leave correction to the teacher!).
If your assignment book includes a practice chart, please initial weekly. 

Communicate with the teacher about any questions or concerns you may have. Let’s work together to provide the best possible music education!


Make it a habit to include practice in your daily routine. 

Check your assignment book to make sure you complete all assignments given by the teacher each week. Ask questions if there is anything you do not understand.
Pianists: Please make sure fingernails are trimmed and hands are cleaned. 
Flutists: Flutes should be thoroughly cleaned after each use. Notify the teacher immediately of any keys that seem to be functioning improperly.

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$40.00 / 30 minutes

Lessons are available six days a week, and scheduled once a week. A registration fee is due annually.